About Us
A Helps Ministry operating under a Business model to maintain order. Most services are offered freely with the understanding that the recipients of services and others that can afford to contribute should so others that cannot afford to contribute will be enabled. Although services are often offered "freely" the efforts to produce and maintain them are not. Someone has to pay for them. Please keep that in mind as you peruse this site and others associated with it.
First and foremost a Helps Ministry and secondarily a business where rarely needed. By and large everything taken on here is organized as a specific project. Each project's finances are normally handled independently. Projects are accepted based on their benefit to others regardless of cost but it is at the our sole discretion whether a project is accepted or not. Projects can range from helping an underfunded missionary or ministry in a far off place to building and stocking an entire online historical library.
CURRENT PROJECTS: Our three most prominent projects are:
- TC-LIB.org (Titus Coan Memorial Library)
This project is now complete. It is a dedicated website that focuses on the writings by or about the early Missionaries to the then Kingdom of Hawaii. It has a massive volume of webpages along with 25 ebooks onsite [PDF, EPUB, MOBI, "ReadOnline" FREE Downloads] and 17 in paperback at Amazon.com). There is also a large quantity of information on each missionary that was stationed there along with some history. It is hosted on our #1 internet server. The "Great Awakening" of the native population during the 1830-40's has been noted as one of the most powerful moves of God in that century. ALL FREE to download directly from our server.
GO TO WEBSITE - Restoration Lib (Restoration Digital Materials Library)
This project is constantly growing and has been a help for authors to distribute their FREE Christian ebooks. It also has an Africa/Nigeria Collection that has risen out of the present move of God in our day along with the works of many other authors. It is hosted on our #2 internet server in the office. Currently 160+ FREE ebooks in PDF, EBUP, MOBI and many with "ReadOnline" webpage versions. The shock to us all is the shear volume of downloads (presently 50,000+). It is filled with challenging Christian resources focusing on the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ that Jesus is still building upon the earth - ALL FREE to download.
GO TO WEBSITE - zBBS Software (Online Group Communications)
This project is constantly improving and is suitable for smaller scale group communications - all inaccessible to the public's view unless they have a login account. Currently in BETA status but altogether operational. Link below takes you to the zBBS Project information page on this website.